Saturday, 20 February 2010

Polyclinic for South Woodford?

The controversial Polyclinic/Super Surgery scheme could come to Church End as South Woodford Health Centre is named as a prospective site. Polyclinics are said to provide up to 50% of out-patient treatment, and also provide X-rays and blood tests amongst other facilities.

The idea of having health care services near to home is very appealing, but we need to know how a locally based Polyclinic will impact on existing local hospital and GP services (not forgetting the important doctor/patient relationship) and the local infrastructure. Also, how will this be financed?

......... What of A&E services .........

Downgrade Proposal for King George A&E

Redbridge Primary Care Trust (PCT) is once again consulting on plans to downgrade King George Hospital and close the only Accident and Emergency (A&E) department in the Borough. Emergency patients would have to go to either Whipps Cross, Leytonstone, or Queens Hospital in Romford. The Accident & Emergency department for both would need to be expanded. Redbridge Council has passed a resolution registering their objection, and will refer the issue to the Secretary of State for Health requesting an independent review of the plans.

There are a series of road-shows organized borough wide where the public can find out more about the plans. One will be held at Waitrose, High Road, South Woodford, on February 9th from 11am to 7pm.

Your local Conservative Action Team want to see local health services improved, not cut. Let us know your views about King George A&E and the proposed Polyclinic.

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